The Russians are Coming

The Russians are Coming!

It may be an old cry, but indeed my Bolt Action Russians are now ready to send into Bolt Action battle. I still have a small number of figures and an Zis-3 to paint, but at least I can now field these chaps. 

The force arrayed, with 5 infantry sections, an inexperienced rifle section to the rear, a sniper team, and heavy weapon support in a Maxim and 82mm mortar, and 2 Anti Tank rifle teams. There are 2 artillery observers, along with an array of potential officers to command them. Of course a T34-85 providing the heavy metal.

There are plenty of SMG armed tank riders should I need them.

The Command Team, including Commissars, and medic.

The Artillery Observers who have been given some maps!

The support weapons.

One of the infantry sections with their LMG team.

The inexperienced rifle section.

Inspiring leaders!

A 3D printed Zis-3 ready to decouple from its printing substructure. A bargain at £3.95 with 4 crew! The renegades in the pack are some 28mm Early Imperial Romans I purchased as samples - quite nice!

ADLG - Game Report 207

Ptolemaic (43) vs Warring States (80) One of the most important aspects of the day was that Tony was able to join us, and it was a pleasure...