Dark Ages 28mm ADLG

 My Dark Ages 28mm ADLG Army

I decided a year ago that it was time for me to "get into" big boys' toys and invest in a 28mm ADLG army. I decided after consultation with potential enemies that Anglo-Saxon-ish would be a good choice given that Kevin was preparing a Norman 28mm army. I have know (less the camp) finished and varnished them so it was high time to show them off before they were blooded in battle. So let me introduce them.

Cnut the Great and his command team

The Shield Wall

19 elements of heavy swordsmen/spearmen for the Select Fyrd or Great Fyrd - or anything else suitable for the dark ages.

The Allies

6 elements of medium swordsmen/spearmen - or anything else suitable for the dark ages.

The Light Troops

6 elements of light infantry with bows and 3 with javelins

The Cavalry

4 elements of heavy or medium cavalry, and 2 elements of light cavalry with javelins

The Army

ADLG - Game Report 207

Ptolemaic (43) vs Warring States (80) One of the most important aspects of the day was that Tony was able to join us, and it was a pleasure...