Bataille Empire - Game Report 8

1810 British vs French in the Peninsula - Plan C

Well if you have got this far into my Blog you will now realize that I am really, really trying to find a plan that will allow the French a chance to win!

I thought it was about time that we saw what would happen if the French reinforcements arrived on the left flank of the British.

Initial Set Up - End of Game Turn 2

So with a bit of deja vu we are back at the end of game turn 2 to restart the scenario. Before the British Cavalry Charge and for the hill contest yet again.

I assumed that at the start of Game Turn 3 the French would have rolled for a successful D6 to secure arrival of the flanking force on Game Turn 4 on the French right flank.

Game Turn 3

This time the British Heavy Cavalry again caused the Chasseurs to flee, as did the Light Dragoons . However, this time the Light Dragoons managed to contain their enthusiasm and did not pursue.

The French Light Infantry have again been thrown back in the firefight. However, the French have again secured the hill top. 

Houston's Division has started to react to the likely and imminent arrival of the French forces by turning two small brigades to face their flank while the Light Infantry and the Portuguese Infantry contest the hill.

Game Turn 4

While Slade's Heavy Cavalry Brigade withdraw to regroup the Portuguese Light cavalry complete the destruction of the French Cavalry Division. They start to take fire from skirmishers in the village. 

The French Division attacking the hill has secured control of the top and their other regiments are providing flank protection against Erskine's Division emerging from the village.

The big news is of course the French flanking force has arrived. The exposed Portuguese Line Regiment has fled to the rear. The French launch their attack with two regiments at each of the two British small regiments in line. However, they are not successful and are forced to retreat in the shock combat.

Game Turn 5

The second attack of the French flank attack with the supporting columns has been more successful and both have forced the enemy to retreat.

However on the hill the Converged Grenadiers have suffered more fire and their morale was broken and they retreated. As did the French infantry Regiment supporting the guns.

Cotton's Cavalry are continuing to regroup and starting to advance again.

Game Turn 6

The French Flanking attack continues to gain ground as Houston's Division continues to fall back under pressure. This flanking attack also removes the pressure on the hill, leaving it in the possession of the French. 

Hay's Brigade has taken severe fire, but holds it ground despite taking two casualties.

Cotton's Cavalry Division is still under attack orders and bringing itself into a position to charge the French between the hill and the village.

Given that Plan B went to 6 game turns I decided to finish this a turn early.

This time the result was a Draw!

Lessons Learnt

It seems that if the Flanking Force does arrive then one might actually have a chance of winning.

However, I think on balance that one needs to have at least 4 divisions before one decides to cut a division loose to try a flanking attack!

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