Bolt Action - Game Report 14

Double Envelopment - Operation Rumyantsev Aug 1943


After the first encounter battles in the operation 1075 Rifle Regiment were withdrawn and reorganised and new units were added to the force mix – notably a scout section and a Zis-2 Anti-tank gun.


As is often the case greater Soviet numbers have prevailed and there is a window of opportunity to penetrate the German defences and envelope and destroy a German Battlegroup. To do so we will have to cross a river, which will present a significant barrier to mechanised troops.

Enemy Forces

The estimate of German forces is that they do have armour support, but it is likely to be limited, and will be concentrated around the bridge crossings or fords.

Friendly Forces

1 Pl has been reorganised in to 2 regular squads, and a green replacement infantry squad, and it has been reinforced from Coy HQ with 3 anti-tank teams. Division has provided the regiment with an artillery observer, T34-76, Tank rider squad, scout squad, and a Zis-3 in support and under command for the operation.


1075 RR is to penetrate the German defences as quickly as possible and envelope them from the rear.

Combat Report

The scout squad was forward deployed to investigate potential crossing points. They discovered a number of fords suitable for vehicles and they assessed that the river was crossable by infantry throughout its length.

The T34-76 with its tank riders were committed to the central ford at all possible speed.

Once they reached the ford crossing the T34 came under fire and the Tank Riders were forced to dismount. The main body of 1 Pl were sent forward to exploit the crossings the scout squad had found. They were provided supporting fire from the ZIS-3 and the sniper. On the left the green section occupied a wood to protect the left flank and the crossings to the left of the road.

Excellent spotting and fire direction from the artillery observer destroyed a number of German units protecting the bridge. This enabled the T34 to cross the ford, but unfortunately the tank riders were destroyed as they ran across the ford. A section of 1 Pl was redirected to support the T34, while the other section provided fire support for the scout squad as it advanced. The artillery observer, advanced in support as did the anti-tank teams. On my left flank the reserve infantry section eventually was forced to withdraw under fire. It and an anti-tank team prevented the Germans crossing the river on the left flank in any great strength.

The scout squad pressed home their assault and destroyed the German infantry section, in doing so they fought back a brave but suicidal counterattack by the German’s officer.


A resounding victory for the Soviet forces who managed to get an infantry section and a T34 into the enemy rear.

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