Bolt Action - Game Report 22

Double Envelopment – Exercise Entoy Mar 1944


Once again Michael organised one of his excellent, and deeply appreciated, mini competitions at Entoyment. The theme this time was Allies vs Axis. I decided to field a British force and to take the 1st Bn Duke of Glendon’s Light Infantry (1 DOG) into battle. Game 1 was Against Paul and his Yanks – now to think how I can make the scenario plausible.


The Divisional Commander decided that he need to spice up the Formation Training Exercises; the usual format was getting stale and predictable. He spoke with his closest US Division and their Commander thought it would be an excellent training problem to pit one of his Battalions against one of ours. They both agreed that the exercise umpires would be paired off with a Yank and a Brit in each team.

For an exercise scenario both commanders agreed that with the proposed landings in NW Europe that they needed to jointly exercise their movement to contact drills and hence set the scenario around a deep double envelopment, of the style that they both envisaged their troops conducting once they landed in NW Europe.

Enemy Forces

The US forces would be infantry supported by M4 Shermans and lightly armed troops in jeeps.

Friendly Forces

The Commanding Officer 1 DOG selected C Company for the exercise fielding two weak infantry platoons supported by their attached artillery observer, a Cromwell tank, Engineer support from a Wasp flamethrower, an M5 Half track from Division and a Bren carrier from the Battalion Rece Platoon, and a sniper from the Sniper Platoon.

Exercise Objective

Both forces were to advance to contact, engage and destroy the enemy by fire and manoeuvre.

Exercise Report

C Coy deployed a section forward to provide a blocking position. The armour support came was deployed on the left flank, with good visibility across to the US left flank.

On the right flank a section was brought forward by half track and deployed into the damaged buildings. The umpires adjudged that the US forces should dismount as they came under fire from the half track and the section. Close by hidden was the Wasp flamethrower ready to move forward in support.

The left forward section with OC 9 Platoon came under fire as they emerged from the gully. The umpires determined that the US firepower from its automatic weapons as they advanced overwhelmed the section and the remnants would move to the wood on their left.

Meanwhile on the right an aggressive advance saw the US advance to close assault the Wasp. The umpires gave the benefit of the attack to the US and deemed the Wasp a casualty.

Eventually the US armour arrived and there was an exchange of long range anti-armour fire between the Cromwell and the US Shermans.

Reinforcements were sent forward on the left, only to see the umpires award a kill on the Bren Carrier to the second US Sherman. The remaining infantry led by OC 9 Pl managed to bring sufficient fire to bear to be awarded a kill on the US HQ advancing in the centre.


The umpires awarded the battle to the US forces.

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