Bataille Empire - Game Report 10

Austrian 1805 vs Poles 1812

In order to continue the momentum, Adam and I agreed we need to play Bataille Empire as soon as we could reasonably do so. Therefore 3 weeks later we tool to the table again with the Austrians and the Poles. This time I wanted to see the difference if I used 1805 Austrians with battalion guns, I was calling it an experiment! The major changes for my command was to introduce medium sized line infantry regiments with battalion guns, a Grenadier Battalion for each Line Division and to replace the Cuirassier Division with a Dragoon Division.

In the end as you will see I am not sure it was a reasonable experiment, and will need to be repeated. The reason being is that in this battle the Austrians were assaulting the Poles! I was sceptical on my chances of success. With their battalion guns it was very debatable as to how quickly the Austrians would get to attack the Poles before the Polish reinforcements were due to arrive! On the positive side I had at least learnt the value of having supports to fall back behind if pressed hard.

The Polish cavalry Division fought an excellent delaying action that seriously impeded the rate of advance of the Austrian Line Infantry Divisions. They would eventually pay for this endeavour and be driven from the table.

Meanwhile on the left flank the Grenzers made sow progress, with their guns in clearing the wood. The Divisions Hussars were obliged to wait for the wood to be clear before they continued their support of the Grenzers moving forward.

The Austrian Line Divisions made one serious attempt at securing the hill and defeating the Polish Infantry but were pushed back all along the line. Even the Austrian Grenadiers took a pounding, and were forced to disengage and be rallied by the Corps Commander.


A marginal victory for the Poles.

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