ADLG - Game Report 128

Thessalian Greeks (60) vs Neo-Babylonians(8)

One final opportunity to stretch the mental and physical muscles of the Thessalians before the Southern League. This time against Paul’s Neo-Babylonians. Paul went for his customary concentrated deployment with his flank nestling against the coastline, and his centre separated by my gully. For my part I decided to hold on the right in the field if possible while my centre and left did the most work.

At least my plan forced Paul to manoeuvre to protect his right. Moreover, I was quite pleased that the ranks of Babylonian bowman, at least at this stage, were left in the rear with the gear.

My right wing has drawn a lot of attention from Paul. However, my armoured Hoplites were starting to suffer from the bow fire – leaky armour.

The Thracians in the field have started to gain the upper hand against the Babylonian cavalry, while the Hoplites bear down on the bowmen. At this stage I am getting a little anxious about the cavalry on my left.

In spite of their wounds, and the threats to their rear the Hoplites continue their advance. The Thracians are regrouping after the withdrawal of the enemy cavalry. I am a little concerned that my lights on the left will not be able to hold their position in the plantation.

I was right to be concerned about the lights in the plantation who are struggling against the enemy infantry. On the right the Hoplites are in deep trouble and have been unable to shift the bowmen. In the centre we are playing cat and mouse with the heavy chariots who have decided to withdraw.

Although the Thracians have performed admirably, the same cannot be said about the Hoplites who have been roundly defeated by the standout performance by the enemy bowmen. In the centre the chariots have turned to face us, while the plantation fight is gathering a momentum all of its own.

The fight near the coastline is going the way of the Babylonians with the Thracians now taking casualties. In the centre I have committed three Hoplites to bear down on the chariots. Meanwhile the remaining two are moving reinforce the fight in the plantation. As for my left and the Babylonian right there is an indecisive fight going on. The decision will be in the centre and right.

The battle on the right is about to end with just one Hoplite standing. In the centre I foolishly charged the chariots and suffered the consequences. However the one saving grace is that the fight in the plantation has gone the way of the Thessalians.


A win for the Neo-Babylonians by 11 to 25, and an outstanding performance by their bowmen.

Lessons Learnt

  • Allow the chariots to charge the spears!
  • Light Infantry can be effective against heavier troops in the rough.
  • On the right I would have been better advised to move the Hoplites right once they cleared the field and the Thracian’s left protected by the lights
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