ADLG - Game Report 130

Thessalian Greeks (60) vs Achaemenid Persians(64)

Next was a classical battle between two old foes – Persians vs Greeks, not myself and Darell! I decided to use the mass of terrain in the centre to my advantage and the Persian cavalry’s disadvantage. On my left flank I was static and echeloned to protect my rear, similarly echeloned right on my right flank.

I seized the field with my Thracians and lights and started to move the Light cavalry through the field to outflank the Persian lines. On their right the Hoplites have moved forward to close down the heavy chariots.

I needed to cancel the movement of the Light Cavalry to support the left – or so I thought at the time. Meanwhile the oddly quiet Thracians are taking punishment from bow fire from the Persian cavalry. On the left is the start of the Sacrifice of the Lights gambit. On the right despite their best efforts one Hoplite has been trampled underfoot by a Chariot.

More damage ensues for the Hoplites facing off against the Chariots. While the Light Cavalry have been moved to support the Thracians who are suffering from the bow fire. On the left the Persian cavalry are having a field day shooting down the lights protecting the armoured Hoplites!

With additional support, albeit at the expense of a Hoplite, the Chariots have been destroyed, and the Greek cavalry have been successful in their attack against the Persian infantry. The Persian cavalry bow fire is continuing to cause cohesion hits which my commander stubbornly refuse to rally off.

The Hoplites on the left flank move forward to close the gap with the Persian Cavalry forcing them to make a decision. On the right we have been more successful, and we are now in a position, time permitting of course, to wrap on the Persian left flank.


A win for the Achaemenid Persians by 14 to 24. A hard fought victory that in some sense we gifted them.

Lessons Learnt

  • Don’t expect two light infantry bows to out shoot a line of Persian bow armed cavalry.
  • Sacrifice of the Lights gambit; why should Light infantry try to protect armoured Heavy Infantry from bow fire?
  • Make a plan and commit to it; I spent much too much time moving the Light Cavalry back and forth to no profit!
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