Honours of War - Game Report 5

The Clash at Kutzdorf

This is one of the scenarios in the original Honours of War Rule Book. I have to say that this is a scenario that just keeps giving fun, especially when one rolls for random performances for the Generals!! Matthew and I refought this one a few weeks ago, and it was certainly engaging. We had three “Dithering” commanders in the Austrian ranks and one “Dashing” and one “Dithering” commander in the Prussian ranks.

The Austrians decided that they were having none of the nonsense of Light Infantry coming forward to harass them and therefore took the attack to them forcing them back beyond the wood. Which lead to a swift reversal for the Prussian Light Infantry and caused them to retire to the woods.

The Austrian depth Brigade was commanded by a “Dithering” commander and decided to take as little part in the battle as it possible could! Meanwhile the Prussian Infantry advanced to engage the Austrians on the hill, ably supported by their cannons. The fire was quite lively from both the infantry and the guns on the march into battle.

On the right flank the Prussian Hussars engaged the Austrian Hussars and threw them back.

However, at this stage the Austrian Reserve Brigade started their advance and the Prussian Cavalry decided to withdraw and regroup.

After the Prussian artillery did for an Austrian battalion, it was now four Prussian battalions against two Austrians. The Prussians then decided to concentrate their attack on these two battalions and moved laterally to attack them. This allowed the Prussian to attack in depth and to allow the damaged battalions to withdraw through them and regroup.

The Austrian Cavalry continued to withdraw and disengage from the battle.

Finally, the Prussian Infantry has managed to concentrate on the sole remaining Austrian Battalion after another battalion was done for by the Prussians through concentrated fire.


A win for the Prussians, a very enjoyable encounter.

Lessons Learnt

  • In rating the command performance we should have not rolled for the CinCs as this had a significant impact on the Austrian command and control.
  • The rules, even in this simplified form, provide a very good feel for the period.
  • 1 comment:

    1. What a pleasure to see gamers still enjoying this scenario around ten years after I first dreamed it up. Thanks for drawing my attention to your blog via the Facebook page.


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