ADLG - Game Report 158

Taifa Kingdom (204) vs Ilkhanid Mongol(270)

The Gathering – again! Once more we decided to flock to Entoyment for another Saturday’s round robin gaming. We have quite a group of us with 10 players, each playing 3 games. The theme for the day was anything from 493AD to 1307AD.

My first game was against the sailor home from the sea; Harry and his Ilkhanid Mongols fresh from the painting table. As always in my mind was how to get close enough and quickly enough to drive the horse archers away. My Infantry were encamped on the hill with the Spanish Knight command to their left (including their new printed and painted included commander flying the flag of Santiago – patron saint of Spain with the Andalusian Cavalry command to their right.

Already the bow fire has been spectacularly effective; watch the wounded knight carefully over the following game turns.

Before they broke off they inflicted a further hit on the knights again! Meanwhile the Knight mercenaries are closing in on my Heavy cavalry. I decided that the infantry needed to pin the enemy.

The infantry pinning action was less than successful, as one of the enemy’s cavalry units has caught the knights in the flank. The knights survived the contact, and the infantry came forward to in turn take the enemy cavalry in flank. Meanwhile in the centre the cumulative shooting hits on that Knight unit meant they did not survive the contact! The Ilkhanid mercenary knights caught one of my cavalry in flank and destroyed it with me trying to do the same to one of theirs.

Once again despite doing everything right, the combat failed me and the enemy knights survived the flank attack. Not only that they were able to reinforce the line to avoid further out flanking. Meanwhile the Spanish Knight commander is forging ahead destroying all before him.

The Spanish Knight commander survives an attack in the rear. And the infantry are moving forward to against the enemy cavalry.

Finally, the enemy knight who was being a thorn in our side, has been destroyed. Not before his brother knight supported by Mongols has destroyed more Andalusian cavalry.


A win for the Ilkhanid’s by 14 to 24.

Lessons Learnt

  • If you are trying to pin someone make sure you measure the distance, as you are allowed to, before you move.
  • I think we should outlaw these Peter Pig dice as they have been the bane of my gaming over the last two battles.
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