Bataille Empire - Game Report 16

Russian 1807 vs French 1807

Robin mentioned that he wanted to see how Bataille Empire played and I therefore, of course, offered the services of my troops and my (limited) experience of the rules to teach him. I seem to have managed to impart my wisdom of the rules to Kevin, so I was confident of success. I put together two orbats for 1807 for us to trial. The terrain for this battle came out quite easily. Robin selected the Russians and to reduce the number of variables, and the dice roll gave us the Battle scenario – a good choice for a simple learning experience.

I decided to place both of my Line Divisions on Attack orders with a simple line of attack – Hey diddle diddle, straight down the middle. None of the subtleties of flank moves or manoeuvring. This way we would get to contact quicker and be able to teach Robin the game mechanics. I left the Cavalry on the left with Engage orders to respond to the Russian Cavalry when they arrived. For his part Robin placed his Divisions on Hold orders.

The right attack Division found very soon that it was entering a killing zone between the woods and the marsh. But we aimed to preserve in the attack.

The initial attack by a column on the French right was repulsed with ease by the Russian Musketeers. At the same time another regimental attack against the Russian artillery battery was also repulsed. It was also difficult to both bring the guns forward and to unlimber them under fire from the large Russian batterys. One of the left forward division’s regimental attacks managed to break the Russian line, the others were also repulsed.

A swift counter attack by fire drove the lead French regiment back over the elevation. Forcing the French to regroup.

After regrouping the left Division continued its advance in strength and this time managed to secure the hill. Its battery was able to deploy on the crest and bring close range fire down on the Russian Battery. The Russian Musketeer Regiments threatened by this attack have withdrawn behind their supports. On the right a French Light Regiment has pushed back a Jager Regiment into the woods away from the tree line.

The forward left Russian Division has started to regroup its line to try and close the gap. Lack of command has prevented the French Division Commander from reinforcing this success. The Corps Commander’s focus is on the reports he is receiving from his left forward Division. Although the French are consolidating in the elevation, the Russians are reforming to counter attack. On the French left the arrival of the Russian Dragoon division has countered any activity by the French Hussars.

On the French right a successful attack Russian Musketeers has driven back and destroyed the French Light Infantry. Similarly on the French Centre left another Light Infantry regiment has been destroyed in the Russian counterattack on that flank. Further left the French Hussars are engaging the Russian Dragoons, who very quickly gained the upper hand in the combat.


After counting up losses and objectives it became a Russian Marginal Victory, and a very enjoyable game!

Lessons Learnt

  • The positive impact of supporting artillery with infantry regiments!
  • We need to read more carefully what one can do and how one can deploy under Hold orders; we both feel that we stretched the order, as defined in the rules, to its limit.
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    Bataille Empire - Game Report 16

    Russian 1807 vs French 1807 Robin mentioned that he wanted to see how Bataille Empire played and I therefore, of course, offered the servic...