Anglo-Danish (180) vs Konstantin Byzantine (192)
Game two was a case of Déjà vu – this time against the Byzantines of Richard. Once again, we were in the Forest, but with me defending. The first and most obvious difference was in the widely different composition of this army, from that of Dave’s in the previous game. A different challenge but a similar deployment albeit with the challenge of a waterway on my right flank.
A very strong line of Anglo-Danish spears moves forward to do battle against the relics of what was once great Rome!
The centre of the shield wall with its included elite included Huscarl general with their two-handed cutting weapons!
The battle lines are engaged. In the centre my General is engaged in combat with a Byzantine General, while another Byzantine General has entered combat elsewhere against the line. At this stage the combats have not been too unfavourable to the Anglo-Danes.
My General has prevailed in the combat supported by the timely intervention of the Welsh Allies moving down the line. Equally, unfortunately the enemy General further to the right of my line has himself defeat the opposition.
Although the left of my line has succeeded, my cavalry were soundly beaten which has exposed the right of my line. Consequently, we are rushing to try and reorganise to and reorientate to the right.
We have completed the reorientation, but it is all much too late to help the cause.
A win for the Byzantines by 15 to 23.
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