ADLG - Game Report 185

Anglo-Danish (180) vs Feudal German (191)

Day two of the Devonian Classic, and I am faced with Don’s Feudal Germans where I was invited to defend in the Plains. With a little variety I placed my Cavalry command in the centre with the shield wall on the right flank ready to wheel to the left to confront the Germans. I placed the Welsh Allies out on the left in some rough going to hold that flank.

The Germans started to move their right flank to defend the gap between the fields. It was going to have to be the Anglo Danes who would need to risk attacking to secure a result.

The Anglo-Danish cavalry provided a useful reserve and flank protection for the shield wall. Some irritating German light troops have forced the right flank through the gully and need to be dealt with. Meanwhile the Norman Knights are being held back as much as possible to avoid them rashly charging into contact.

Battle is joined, and the pain is shared along the line, with the German halberdiers making short work on the Ango-Danish spears.


A rewarding drawn game with the Anglo-Danes inflicting 19 hits on the Germans (they remained 6 hits away from breaking for some time) and only receiving 12 in return.

Lessons Learnt

  • I should have moved the light infantry from the centre to the right much earlier to protect the right flank of the shield wall.
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