ADLG - Game Report 189

Seleucid (42) vs Classical Indians (79)

Two weeks later we were all back for another day’s gaming at Entoyment as a post Christmas gift to ourselves. For the first game I decided to try a further refinement on the Beachhead theme by bringing the Seleucids out to play against Kevin’s Indians (which he would be using at Beachhead.) The orbat was subtly different from previously with a left flank with a mix of Cavalry and pikes, a centre of all pikes and an included General, and once again a right flank of Elephants and supports. However, I think the terrain was simpler and better suited for the army.

The Indians attached in echelon with their right leading and we responded in kind. The Chariot has made contact and has survived the initial contact.

On my left the leading Indian elephant has trampled the opposing pike block beneath its feet in one round of combat. Leaving the rest of the left looking fragile. In the centre we avoided the elephant in the first round of combat and after the chariots contact rolled over the enemy with a pike block. However, the remaining pikes are less than healthy. On the right I foolishly left the wounded lights behind and therefore failed to protect my elephant from bow fire on the way into the attack. On our far right there is an irritating Indian Cavalry unit waiting to pounce on our flank, irrespective of the potential benefits of the Peltasts trying to block the way.

The Greek cavalry are playing hard to get and refusing to charge the enemy, while the Pike block pursues in to the Indian centre. The central block of pikes is now at 50% with open flanks. On the right the Greek Elephants have dispersed the Indian light troops but this is unlikely to be of great value to the cause.

Greek casualties are mounting. As expected on the right the Indian Cavalry unit has made its presence felt and is now in a position to secure the demise of the remaining Greek Elephant.


An Indian win by 10 to 23.

Lessons Learnt

  • The arguments for a different orbat are getting louder with each game. Research is needed.
  • I am not sure Javelinmen, despite their pretty shields, are worth it in penny packets: a lot of them might make a difference on a flank with rough terrain.
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