Bolt Action - Game Report 37

Moro River Campaign Dec 1943


Flush with the excitement of his Christmas present of the latest version of the Bolt Action Rules, Kevin wanted a game to try his hand and of course I was pleased to oblige. The date was set, and he decided to build us some nice Italianesque terrain to fight over. The scenario we rolled for was:

  • Victory Conditions – Hold Until Relieved
  • Deployment Zones – Quarters
  • Deployment Type – Prepared Positions (we decided to rule out the “Fog of War” option
  • I would be using the British and another outing for 9 Platoon, C company of the 1st Battalion of the Duke of Glendon’s Light Infantry (1DOG). For those who may not be familiar with tis fictional British infantry regiment, it features in the classic, and I do mean classic, WW2 war movie “The Way Ahead” starring David Niven.


    The 8th Army have been advancing up the east coast of Italy after their landing at the foot of Italy in Operation Baytown. The Germans have been fighting a successful delaying action as they retire in good order defending every natural barrier they can. 8th Army’s goal was to punch through the German Winter Line on the Moro River and advance on Rome.

    In a preparatory diversionary operation in support of V (BR) Corps plan to cross the Moro river the Corps Commander directed that a number of key positions should be seized and held on the. 1DOG was ordered to seize and hold a number of key objectives to the west with the goal of attracting enemy armour tactical reserves away from the main operation.

    Enemy Forces

    The German 90th Panzer Grenadier Division was in the line, with significant armoured reserves based on Panzer Grenadiers supported by tanks and half tracks.

    Friendly Forces

    9 Platoon of C Coy would be leading with their 3 sections, and they would be supported by an Forward Observation Officer (FOO) to provide artillery support, a Mortar section of two 3 inch mortars, a sniper team from the Battalion Sniper Section, and a Sherman and Humber MkIII armoured support from 3rd Hussars of 9th Armoured Brigade.


    9 Platoon is to secure the village of San Gelato and hold it.

    Post Mission Report

    The Platoon Commander brought up two infantry sections and the mortar sections as soon as possible to the outskirts of the village. The Humber mkIII provided close support to the advance into the village. The Mortar Spotter and already infiltrated in the wood and a close view of the objective. Additionally, the FOO and sniper team had forward deployed to the top floor of the two story building.

    The Germans had detected the advance and were prepared to contest the British occupation of San Gelato. Their Panzer Grenadiers were supported by a half-track with a light anti-tank gun, and their sniper team. The sniper team detected the sunlight reflecting of the FOO’s binos as the FOO was preparing his initial fire orders; orders he never delivered. The British were no longer able to call for artillery support.

    While 2 Section provided overwatch, 1 Section were deployed inside the ground floor of the building to protect them from the fire from the half-track. The sniper team on the top floor also took casualties from fire but was able to provide suppressive fire to force the Germans into cover.

    The Mortar section was brought under direct fire and one tube was destroyed, the other taking casualties. However, the timely arrival of the Sherman from 3rd Hussars and a Wasp from 237th Field Company, Royal Engineers arrived to provide timely fire support.

    Further German armoured reinforcements arrived in the shape of a PzIV. Both the Humber and Sherman manoeuvred around the rear of the church to flank the enemy tank. They were unable to disable it, but they did manage to drive it off, at this stage both sides were trying to press their case towards the objective but neither side was able to make significant progress.

    2 Section had advanced into the village outbuildings using the hard cover to protect them from enemy fire. 3 Section arrived to try and secure the woods to ambush the enemy. However, by this time the enemy reinforcements were arriving en masse with another half-track with infantry to press home their attack.

    The Wasp was brought forward and was able to close and destroy the half-track. Unfortunately, it ran out of fuel and was sent back behind the village to protect it. The PzIV was able to rally and to continue its attempt to encircle the village, and to play cat and mouse with the Humber and the Sherman.

    3 Section abandoned the wood (Fubar) but were able to rally before they left the battlefield.

    The failure of 3 Section to hold the wood as emboldened the Panzer Grenadiers to advance to support the half track which has made it to the objective. Fortunately, the enemy firepower was reduced by the sniper team taking out the truck as it tried to join the attack.

    The Humber came forward to engage the enemy half-track and destroyed it only to be taken out be a Panzer Grenadier with a Panzerfaust.

    The battle on who would control the objective. 1 Section launched an assault on the Germans holding the objective but were destroyed, and in a last throw of the dice the Germans decided to counter attack 2 Section in the outbuildings and manged to overwhelm them despite the presence of the Sherman.


    A German win on the last pull of the last German dice from the bag! A great game that was won by 2 dice draws from the bag:

  • By the Germans by pulling the first dice from the bag (for the German sniper to destroy the FOO)
  • And the last dice of the game to assault and overwhelm 2 Section in the building.
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    Bolt Action - Game Report 37

    Moro River Campaign Dec 1943 Introduction Flush with the excitement of his Christmas present of the latest version of the Bolt Action Rule...