Welcome to this blog. In it I want to capture what and how I wargame. Please feel free to browse and offer any thoughts.
Austrian Army of 1798
Army List 133 - Andalusian Arabs et al
Army List 133 - Andalusian Arab or 132 North African Arab or 204 Taifa Kingdoms
Well V4 has certainly given me more options for these figures!
I have always wanted a cavalry and dark ages era army. After a little research I decided to opt to base it on the Andalusian Arabs. The opportunity to purchase the figures came at the beginning of 2021 with the kind people of Museum Miniatures having an excellent value sale! An opportunity not to be missed and a good reason to buy figures that any wife would understand!
Lockdown Project 6!
I bough a few more Arab cavalry than I intended initially but it now means that the Army can morph into other Arab armies from the list! Sound planning, but it all depends on how they fight. Or is it how well they are commanded?
It was a little bit of an homage to my mother. She always had a thing for Charlton Heston after watching him in El Cid and Ben Hur. The Museum Miniatures general figure is a dead ringer for Mr Heston!
Army List 85 - Early Imperial Romans
Army List 85 - Early Imperial Romans
Army List 14 - New Kingdom Egyptian
Army List 14 - New Kingdom Egyptian
ADLG Frenchies
Army List 175 - Feudal French, or Army List 226 - HYW French, or Army List 231 Burgundians
Army List 243 - Low Countries
Army List 243 - Low Countries
DBA Renaissance
DBA Renaissance Matched Pairs
I use a DBA Renaissance variant that was published in Wargames Illustrated about 30 years ago to fight these two armies. All the 15mm figures are based as for DBA 25mm figures.
I may, if the mood takes me, rebase them for ADLG-Renaissance.
The Germans
The Swedes
Honours of War - Game Report 1
Honours of War Scenario - The Clash at Kutzdorf
This was the first game against a human opponent for both Dave and myself with Honours of War. As always when one learns a set of rules playing solo and then start playing an opponent a whole new set of challenges and different interpretations of the rules emerge. This game was to be no different.
However, both of us agree that Keith Flint has made an outstanding job with these rules. They play very well and give one the real flavour of the Seven Years War. If you are not familiar with them I recommend buying a copy and giving them a go. They are available through Osprey and are Book 11 of their "Osprey Wargames" range.
The Scenario
The scenario is taken straight from the book. The forces are relatively small.
In this case I laid out the Prussians with two infantry Brigades with 3 battalions each and a medium battery. and a Cavalry Brigade of a regiment of Dragoons and a regiment of Hussars. All the Prussians are rated as standard .
Dave took the Austrians, as he was on that side where the camera was placed (we were playing via Zoom). The Austrians had an infantry brigade of four battalions and a medium battery. A light infantry brigade of two Grenzer battalions. An artillery brigade of two medium batterys, And a cavalry brigade of a regiment of Dragoons and a regiment of Hussars. All the Austrians are rated as standard, except for the artillery who are superior and the Husssars which are inferior.
We decided to roll dice for the commanders. Both sides Commanding Generals, were "Dithering", as was the Austrian artillery commander. Both Prussian brigade commanders were "Dashing" and the rest on both sides were "Dependable". For those unfamiliar with the rule the implications of this will come clear later.
Initial Dispositions - Ready for Game Turn 1
Game Turns 1 to 2
The Austrians made a stately start using their Grenzers to move through the wood and threaten the Prussian right flank. In response the Prussians orientated their right forward brigade to face off against the Grenzers and the Austrian Infantry Brigade advanced into battle formation on their right.
Game Turn 3
Game Turn 4
The Prussian right brigade were pushed back through the combined fire of the Grenzers and the Austrian infantry brigade. Casualties mounted.
Game Turn 5 - After the Movement Phase
This is the game turn it started to go pear shaped for the Prussians. Both "Dashing" brigade commanders became "Inspired" and their "Dithering" Commanding General was nowhere in sight to be able to restrain their behaviour. They both advanced and charged the Austrians.
Game Turn 5 - End of Turn
Game Turn 6
Another turn of carnage, with the Austrian artillery and the Austrians in KUTZDORF destroying the leading Prussian battalion of the left Prussian infantry brigade.Game Turn 7
Game Turn 8
ADLG - Game Report 207
Ptolemaic (43) vs Warring States (80) One of the most important aspects of the day was that Tony was able to join us, and it was a pleasure...

- 1809 Danube campaign (8)
- 28mm (29)
- ADLG (221)
- Age of Eagles (13)
- Armies of Colin (22)
- Bataille Empire (21)
- Battlefields (1)
- Bolt Action (42)
- Computer Assisted (2)
- Fire and Fury (3)
- Honours of War (6)
- Legacy Wargaming (1)
- Lockdown Projects (5)
- Scenarios (3)
- Sharpe Practice (2)
- Solo Gaming (9)
- Tourney (107)
- WW1 (6)
- Zoom Games (11)