ADLG - Game Report 14

Early Imperial Romans(85) vs Germans(91)

My friend up-north wanted to get a feel for ADLG, so I agreed to put on a Zoom game for him with my Romans vs the Germans. 

I gave him the Romans to play with as I felt that the complexities of dealing with hordes of impetuous troops under ADLG would be a bit of a challenge. Moreover, I wanted to try out the Germans and I knew that Dave's past experiences of commanding his Romans under WRG 6th Edition would stand him in good stead.

The Roman's deployed concentrated and with a goal of keeping their flanks intact. For my part I wanted to see if I could overwhelm the Romans with my numbers as quickly as possible.

Once we came into contact his Cavalry on his left managed to break through my flank protection and started to work their way around to conduct some rear attacks on my forces. I managed to destroy two Auxilia before the Legionaries provided a much tougher opposition. Despite getting up to three cohesion points they managed to rally these down and hold their own. 

The German heavy swordsmen are approaching the point of contact.

By the end of the game the Romans traded legionary unit for German heavy swordsmen, and once the Roman Cavalry attacked from flank and rear the losses for the German's mounted. On the Roman right flank a brave Auxilia unit held back the German Cavalry for sufficient time for the centre to defeat the German centre. Their sad demise will be sung about in the taverns of Rome for many a long year.


The Germans were trashed while the Romans suffered losing 13 out of 21 cohesion points.

Lessons Learnt

  • Dave enjoyed the encounter.
  • Helping someone learn the rules, or at least familiarize themselves with the rules, does help one learn the rules oneself!
  • Dave's tactics of waiting for the Germans to come on to the Legionnaires was correct and a better tactic than mine against the Dacian.

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ADLG - Game Report 196

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