ADLG - Game Report 13

Andalusian Arab(133) vs Nikephorian Byzantine (127)

 I should have expected how this game would go, given it was my 13th! Paul's.

This was to be the first outing for my Arab Army lockdown project. My initial deployment placed the majority of the Cavalry on the open right flank. My goal was to pin and engage that flank to give me free rein in the centre and left.

I was quite pleased with the way the Arab's looked on the table. 

This over-complicated maneuver would have gone better with better command dice, and if my right flank could have bought me more time.

My initial movement was to hold the left flank back and advance it slowly oblique right. Meanwhile the centre command of Light medium troops and horse archers would swing around to the left and approach from the shoreline.

Once I had made contact with my Heavy Spearmen it started to go much better, but not quickly enough as my losses were mounting quicker than Paul's. Although he was starting to get worried about his right flank.

At the same time despite the heroic effort of the Arab Cavalry my right flank looked increasingly vulnerable at the end of the game


A 26 to 13 (out of 22) loss to the Arabs, although it was looking a lot worse than that at the half way stage!

Lessons Learnt

  • Try not to over complicate the plan, and instead try for a better initial deployment.
  • Although mixed units may have a lot of firepower, they don't have a lot of staying power when it comes to fighting so try and get into contact as quickly as you can.
  • Try other force combinations for the Arabs, and don't expect to out-bow a heaviliy bow equipped army.


  1. Thanks Jonathan, I wish I could fight my Arabs with the skill their painting deserves :)


ADLG - Game Report 196

Seleucid (42) vs Classical Indians (79) For the final pre-Beachhead warm-up and test game I fought Kevin’s Indians. An old foe that we were...