ADLG - Game Report 12

Early Imperial Romans(85) vs Dacians(92)

For this game I was invited to play with "Big Boy's Toys" - I used Adam's 28mm Romans vs his 28mm Dacians as he wanted the practice.

My Romans chose a fairly predictable formation with the Cavalry loaded on the Roman right. The legionaries were in the centre with their flanks protected by auxilia.

The Dacians had Sarmatian allies on their left facing of against the Roman cavalry. Unfortunately for me this unreliable ally was totally reliable.

I have seen lots of  28mm ancient figures on blogs and at conventions, but I had never had the pleasure to command them before. Against my better judgement I was quite impressed, and ever since when at Entoyment I have been mulling over whether I should invest in an army and if so which one - more painting on the horizon.

Initial contact was predictably made on the right with the grand clash of Cavalry, which I didn't really survive all that well from.

Once the Sarmatian Ally had dealt with the Roman Cavalry they lapped around and started to roll up the Roman flank. This was just as the Dacian centre was starting to have some success against the Roman legionaries.


This went down as another loss for the Romans

Lessons Learnt

  • Big Boys Toys aren't too shabby at all!
  • I liked the way that Adam used his strategist CinC to rein back the impetuous Dacians
  • I actually did better against the 2 HCW than I thought I would
  • I need to tactically think better on how to hold the Romans back and draw the barbarians onto me, all that while protecting my flanks

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ADLG - Game Report 196

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