Bolt Action - Game Report 7

Battle for Key Positions - Sicily Aug 1943


Kevin and I wanted to try again relatively soon so that we wouldn't lose momentum in our understanding of the rules. We were joined in this venture this time by Paul, who was given a sub-command to play around with.


The allied advance across Sicily has started to gain momentum. However, the Germans were using every opportunity to counter-attack and cause delay. 1 DOG's mission had seized its initial objective, and C Coy led by 9Pl has been ordered forward to exploit the success. 

Enemy Forces

A scratch force of German Grenadiers  was known to have been in tactical reserve in 1 DOG's sector. Reports from local resistance fighters indicated that this reserve had been reinforced with engineers, mortars and an armoured car. Officer reinforcements had been identified; an Oberfähnrich Frith seems to have been assigned to Leutnant Parry's platoon.

Friendly Forces

CO 1 DOG had assigned OC 9Pl an M5 halftrack from divisional resources and a Bren Gun Carrier from the Bn Carrier Platoon, a FOO, and a Mortar section from the Bn Mortar Platoon and Sgt Grimes from the Bn Sniper Platoon. 9Pl had recently been reinforced following earlier casualties; along with his 2 veteran sections he now had a new regular section from the Bn reserves.


9Pl 1 DOG is to secure the four objectives, and to destroy any enemy that try to seize them.

Combat Report

This report was submitted after the action by OC 9Pl, with additional commentary from Sgt Grimes.

The objectives we had to seize were located across the Bn front. Given my resources it was impractical to seize them all in one go. I decided that I need to secure at least two rapidly and then move to seize the remaining two as circumstances permitted, and at the least to use fire to deny them to the enemy.

I deployed my new regular section in the M5 half track to seize the objective on the hill to my right front in a coup-de-main. I left the Piat team mounted in the Bren carrier as my anti-armour reserve. 1 and 2 sections would advance with me through the centre to secure the building and then be prepared to move left or bring down fire as required.

Sgt Grimes was able to deploy along with the FOO and the MFC early into overwatch positions.

The FOO reported an enemy section advancing on the buildings, he brought in an artillery strike, which was only sufficient to pin them in place for a while.

3 Section were able to debus from the M5 Halftrack and seize the objective on the hill. From there they ha excellent fields of fire and were able to bring fire down on the enemy infantry to prevent them advancing. Unfortunately the arrival of the German armoured car managed to destroy the halftrack. We needed its firepower.

With the seizure of the building objective by 1 Section it was able to rush the building over the road. The Germans infantry section in the cornfield rallied from the artillery and fire from 3 Section and launched a vicious counterattack and overran 1 Section before they could secure the building. 2 Section tried to press on through the woods, but they came under sustained and accurate fire from the German section on our left, and the armoured car which was brought forward to engage them.

I deployed the PIAT team from the Bren carrier into the objective building, looking for the opportunity to engage the armoured car behind the other building. At that time we heard anxious raised German voices followed by some wild fire from the other building, and the FOO reported that Germans were seen running to the rear in panic from the building. I rapidly redeployed the PIAT team to the building to try and engage the car, but it withdrew from its exposed position.

Sgt Grimes reported that he was able to deploy effective fire from his position to damage the enemy HQ forcing it out of the battle. He was able to eventually maneuver to a better position to be able to bring effective suppressive fire down, along with the Bren carrier on the left most German infantry section. Throughout this action 2 Section grimly held their position despite their casualties.


An interesting battle. The British one by 2 objectives to 1, but it was getting very close as we moved into the extra game turn. Another fine game to learn lessons on tactics and the rules.

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