ADLG - Game Report 16

Thebans (60) vs Spartans (60)

 The Greek Civil Wars are alive and well and present in Bournemouth. Well at least it is at Entoyment. Kevin and I met and decided to field Greek armies. This time I decided to field Theban’s rather than the Thessalians. Really went with his famous Spartans, would King Leonidas be alive at the end of this battle?

My plan, such as it was, what's the hold on the centre and right, and try to use my cavalry superiority to breakthrough on the left if at all possible. Knowing my previous plans, I have some doubts as to whether this would be successful!

So I move forward on the left with my lighter troops leaving the cavalry in reserve to breakthrough when the opportunity presented itself.

I was fully expecting to fight at the top of the hill but in the end Kevin hoplites advanced to meet me at the foot of the hill.

In the centre the massed ranks of levelled spears continued to move forward and give battle to each other.

On the left it has got rather messy. My left flank has crumbled, but the peltasts hold the ground. one of my hoplite units has managed to flank the enemy.

Before my flank attack was able to go in it was attacked from behind by some cunning Spartans. However, this didn't concern my hoplites who beat back the Spartans with great skill and determination. Meanwhile in the centre battle has been joined.

Fighting on the left flank is brutal. The Spartans are trying their best to outflank the peltasts. There is a great deal of disorder on both sides.

Once again, my much vaunted hoplites breakthrough the Spartans and we have the opportunity to roll up the Spartan line. The less said about Kevin's three consecutive 1s for command in one turn the better.

This battle was going down to the wire. Losses are heavy on both sides. On my left, the brave Peltasts have destroyed the hoplites and now, with the support of the cavalry, have the potential to defeat the Spartan right wing. In the centre I have lost a number of hoplites but the breakthrough on the left of the line has been successful and we are about to destroy another Spartan. On the bottom right picture you can see that Kevin has successfully destroyed my unfortified camp.


Mutually Assured Destruction - a draw

Lessons Learnt

  • Keeping a Light Cavalry unit in reserve would have prevented my camp being overrun
  • You don't have to win to have a great fun challenging game.


  1. Nicely sized game and an enjoyable BatRep. How long did the game take to fight to a brutal draw?

  2. Jonathan thanks for the comment. The game only took about 2 hours to play out - no messing about with us, we just have a great time


ADLG - Game Report 196

Seleucid (42) vs Classical Indians (79) For the final pre-Beachhead warm-up and test game I fought Kevin’s Indians. An old foe that we were...