ADLG - Game Report 35

Feudal French(182) vs Tuareg (210)

My Knights packed their passports and headed for the desert to fight Keith's Tuareg Army.

The start of this day's battle at Ascot will be remembered for the biting cold as the heating had not been put on in our room!

I knew I couldn't avoid attacking the camels with my knights and hence avoid the panic. However, I could try and limit the pain by trying to get the infantry into contact and also try to inflict some disorder on them with fire.

Unfortunately the infantry are having command and control and movement issues and are starting to be outpaced by the knights.

As expected the cohesion in the knights is starting to grow as they come into contact with the camels.

The knights and camels were exchanging like for like casualties, and now the infantry are in contact with Tuareg swordsmen and they are not faring as well as I would have liked - losing a Flemish pike block.


A very close game with me losing 21 to 24. Once again close but no cigar!

Lessons Learnt

  • Knights can beat camels.
  • Take a sweater or coat to tournaments in the winter (a lesson I keep forgetting)

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ADLG - Game Report 207

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