French Revolutionary War Army of 1799

French Revolutionary War Army of 1799

About 6 months later than I would have liked I now have painted my French Revolutionary War Army. It is based and organised for Bataille Empire and comprises currently what are effectively 3 Divisions and a Corps Reserve of 8lb'ers and converged grenadiers. 

This is the third division with its 3 Ligne Demi-Brigades and supporting Heavy Cavalry Brigade and artillery battery.

The 2nd Division is supported by a Dragoon Brigade Artillery as well as having a Legere Demi-Brigade

The Legere Demi Brigade leading the 2nd Divisions Infantry.

The Corps Commander with his reserve. A Converged Grenadier Brigade and Heavy Artillery. 

The 1st Division with a supporting Hussar Brigade and artillery battery. The Legere Demi-Brigade leading the division's infantry.

The massed standards of the 1st Division's Ligne Demi-Brigades

Future Development

  • Some period correct commanders, including personality figures.
  • A couple more Demi-Brigades some with earlier head gear.
  • A Chasseur a Cheval Brigade.
  • Some limbers for the artillery to deploy it as Horse Artillery.


  1. Fine looking collection! Are these figures AB and Battle Honours or something else?

  2. Thanks Jonathan, they are AB figures - again as with my Austrians they are some 25+years old and only just been painted!


ADLG - Game Report 196

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