ADLG - Game Report 53

Low Countries (243) vs Free Company (241)

Onwards true sons of Flanders too battle!

The first of my three encounters at the London leg of the Southern League events was against Gavin and his Free Company. And the first thing I couldn’t fail to notice was that Gavin’s army seemed to be a little on the light side. There were clearly some cunning souls trying to out flank me.

As a consequence of the threat, most likely on my right flank, I decided to refuse that flank. While at the same time advancing my line to contact the enemy infantry.

Both Gavin’s left flank commander and my own Knight’s commander were a little dilatory and failed to exploit their positional advantage. Gavin’s massed longbows did him good service bringing flanking fire onto my Knights. In the centre the combat has become general along the line.

The Flemish pikes in the centre have broken through, and despite their lack of fleetness of foot are trying their best to exploit their advantage. Despite losing the cavalry battle on my right, the losses I inflicted in the centre were sufficient to see the Flemish over the line as winners.


A win for the Flemish 22 to 17; a close run battle.

Lessons Learnt

  • Never fear the enemies flank march; plan for it.
  • I would have been seriously un done, however, if my centre hadn’t won its contest!
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