ADLG - Game Report 79

Ptolemaic (43) vs Later Macedonian (45)

With the large number of Alexandrian Successor units, I now have I do need to work out which Army I like. Paul offered a game and he wanted to deploy a Later Macedonian Army, hence I decided on something similar but different. Ptolemaic also a wide variety of troop types including Imitation Legionaries, perhaps a nice compliment to the Pikes?. As it turned out we had two very evenly matched armies of 23 elements each.

The terrain was relatively sparse, and I was attacking (a rarity). For once I had deployed reasonably well, so there was no need for redeployment!

There was no need for fancy manoeuvring in this battle. Simply to get stuck in. My Light Cavalry went in first and killed one unit which quickly gave me numerical superiority. I held back the Legionaries for a while, as I didn’t want to get hung up on the hill. On the left my Thracians are being bested by Paul’s Thracians.

The Cavalry are winning sufficiently to allow a Heavy cavalry unit to threaten Paul’s flank on the hil. I decided I need to stem the tide against the Paul’s Thracians and (perhaps foolishly) sent a Pike unit into the field to delay them. This they did in the grand style destroying a Thracian unit, who must have been so surprised to see the Pikes there that they lost the combat! Despite the pushing and shoving in the centre the odds were some to go my way!


At the end of the combat it was honours even with a MAD result in a very good game!

Lessons Learnt

  • I might not be so lucky taking the Pikes into rough ground in the future, perhaps a slightly different balance in the army is needed
  • Flanking a unit with Light cavalry is not really worth it, one of my two cavalry units could have been better employed by turning Paul’s flank
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