ADLG - Game Report 78

Early Imperial Roman(85) vs Early Imperial Roman(85)

I had to spend a couple of days in London and I nicely timed it to be around a Thursday to allow me to get a game in at the CLWC at The Escape. Dave kindly offered a game, and as he had his Romans packed for the week we opted for a Roman Civil war. For my part I based my Army on the previous outing for my Romans against Paul; I employed a larger number of Elite Armoured Medium Auxilia. I tried to pick some difficult terrain for them to play in, but there the luck started to go against me.

As with our previous Egyptian Civil War game at Warfare, there was certainly no subtlety involved – we were straight at each other. Besides or armies were very evenly matched.

I wasn’t impressed when I lost a Light cavalry to javelins; I was now outnumbered in Cavalry.

Contact has been made! And in the first round of combat, I lost all but one of my cavalry elements. Additionally, despite being elite my Auxilia have started to take some punishment. My one success is a single legionary unit that broke the line.

My cavalry command gas been destroyed, Dave’s cavalry are now on my flank and destroying my Legionaries, and if that all isn’t bad enough I have lost two Auxilia and the Auxilia line has been broken through. Game over in three game turns – again.


A stunning loss. Again Dave, like Mark in the previous battle, was almost (but not quite) embarrassed by his stunning combat rolls!

Lessons Learnt

  • Perhaps the eliteness of the Auxilia is misplaced? The army might fare better with these not being elite and free the points for others.
  • Similarly do I need two integrated artillery units?
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