ADLG - Game Report 77

Thessalian Greeks (60) vs Phyrgian(29)

Next competition on the horizon is Beachhead 23. The theme for the event being any Army pre 530BC. Back to the drawing board and a hunt through the Army List. I thought I would kick-off by bringing out my Thessalians which had fought well previously. Mark agreed to play as he wanted to try out his Phyrgian army.

I was the defender and I have clearly mad a misappreciation of the battlefield. I have placed my Peltasts (Javelinmen) in the path of his chariots – not a good match up.

In light of my mal-deployment I decided to sacrifice two Peltasts to allow my Hoplites to come forward to fill the gap. An adequate response and it might have even worked with better command and control.

On the left my light cavalry have been bounced by Mark’s ambush. In the centre the lines have met, with results relatively even at this stage. On the right I have partially formed a line of hoplites to face of the chariots.

Mark’s cavalry has managed to best mine on the left, but in the centre two units are holding their own to support the mainline. I have managed to get behind the rear of the chariots despite losing a hoplite unit.

My Cavalry have all but been destroyed, less the two units supporting the infantry. In the centre my infantry is starting to achieve some dominance despite their cohesion hits, while on the right things are going from bad to worse. I stupidly evaded the javelins from the chariots charge, only for me to roll down and Mark to roll up. A number of disappointing dice rolls where the odds were stacked in my favour and yet Mark won, caused even more casualties; it says something when your opponent apologies for his good rolls when he was clearly at a disadvantage.


A loss for the Thessalians 27 to 16.

Lessons Learnt

  • Try to avoid giving your opponent gifts and easy targets.
  • Equally four Javelinmen without supports can be very vulnerable unless they are operating in difficult terrain.
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