ADLG - Game Report 76

New Kingdom Egyptians (14) vs New Kingdom Egyptian (14)

The final game and Dave and I were to fight out an Egyptian Civil War. He outnumbered me in Chariots.

There were no subtleties in this battle, both sides opting to close to close combat as quickly as possible.

Battle is joined and already my forces are taking hits despite killing chariots on the left.

It isn’t getting much better, gaps appearing in my line with hits galore.

And it is all over on the third round of combat and the game is done and dusted in less than hour and quarter! I call this the case of the disappearing line-of-battle.


A severe loss where I only inflicted 12 hits on Dave. That having been said I did come away from the weekend with more wins than I did at the last Warfare!

Lessons Learnt

  • Not much to learn on this one, apart from the need to sacrificially burn these dice.
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