ADLG - Game Report 82

Thessalian Greeks (60) vs Greek (60)

The next game was another Greek Tragedy against Pete’s Greeks. I must have started a trend when I suggested that I would be taking my Greeks to Beachhead! A reasonably traditional deployment from both of us. In my case my cavalry are on my right.

Exploiting the benefits of attacking I opted to try and get my cavalry as far forward as I could to try and out manoeuvre Pete’s right flank.

Consequently I pushed forward my left to make contact as soon as possible. As with the battle against Kevin it wasn’t as straightforward as I would like. Even though all my Hoplites are armoured I still suffered more than I inflicted.

The Greek right flank is starting to be turned, but Pete is well positioned to attack my cavalry. Meanwhile my right is not looking good. Although I am already one hoplite unit down I am starting to score hits on the opposing hoplites.

The camera shake comes from the amount of losses I am taking as several of my unis move into the red!

In the end the game deteriorates into what the a fighter pilot would call a “hairball” or we would call perhaps a brawl. The issue now became not a matter of who one a combat, but who would have the better command dice to cause some damage, or rally some hits off!


Time ran out to allow both of us to claim a creditable draw.

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ADLG - Game Report 207

Ptolemaic (43) vs Warring States (80) One of the most important aspects of the day was that Tony was able to join us, and it was a pleasure...