ADLG-R - Game Report 3

Early 30YW Swedish (23) vs Later Imperialists (28)

With many thanks to Tony the local ADLG community met at Entoyment for a day’s gaming. Some of us managed to get 4 games in in the day! I didn’t quite go that far, but I had three great games with great company. First up for me was another opportunity to bring out the 30YW armies for Paul and myself, no change in the armies from our last encounter. However, presentationally there was as I had spent a good couple of evenings finishing the bases and making them presentable.

The best part of the deployment was my gentle hill. Paul used his ‘6’ to move it to his half of the table, and I then rolled a ‘6’ to move it back to where it came from! Other than that, both sides went with a broadly familiar deployment. Albeit that the Imperialists have finally brought their artillery into the front line.

The Swedish forces secured the hill to provide dominating ground for their medium artillery. On the right the opposing cavalry wings move to engage each other.

The Swedish medium cavalry move off to secure the right flank while the dragoons pin down the Imperialist forces in the field. The cavalry is edging closer to starting the cavalry engagement.

The cavalry battle starts with cohesion hits on both sides of the line. The Swedish cavalry have already lost a caracole. Meanwhile the combined firepower of the two Swedish later tercios have inflicted significant cohesion hits on the cornflower blue pike and shot battle unit. As for the lone Swedish battle unit in the foreground he was distracted and sent off on a wild goose chase to protect the camp from Imperialist light infantry!

The Imperialist cavalry have all but one their battle over the Swedes. The battle units continue to trade fire. The Imperialist commanders are managing to rally their battle units quite effectively. Less so the Swedish.

The Imperialist’s have won the firefight on the Swedish left flank, destroying a later tercio battle unit. In the centre the Imperialists elite pike and shot unit is struggling against a later tercio, and is in danger of being destroyed. While their cavalry have broken through the Swedish right flank protection and are now moving towards the Swedish right flank.


This time it was an Imperialist victory but 19 cohesion hits were inflicted on the them by the Swedes.

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ADLG - Game Report 207

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