ADLG - Game Report 86

Taifa Kingdoms (204) vs Wars of the Roses (247)

For the second of my battles at our ADLG game day at Entoyment I used the second army I brought to the day, my Andalusian Arab army organised as a Taifa Kingdom army. The great thing about these Andalusian’s is that it can be used in so many different armies. I was a little dubious about time slipping them from the Feudal period to fight Mark’s medieval Lancastrians, but in for a penny in for a pound.

The first saving grace was that I wasn’t against heavy knights, but there were a lot of longbows. For my deployment I kept the cavalry on the wings, with the Christian Knights on my right, and the infantry in the centre. Of course we managed to have blindingly good start with both wing commanders rolling a one for their command roll!. To cap it all on the next turn the right wing commander did the same again. This left no room for doubt that I would be on the defensive.

By this time the infantry had closed up and met in battle in the centre. In which the Taifa troops faired marginally better. On the wings the cavalry on the left are holding back, while the Christian Knights on the right want to get to close enough to charge.

The infantry lines are slugging it out and each side are taking losses. On the left flank The Berber light cavalry have destroyed a Lancastrian light horse and are now both engaging heavy cavalry in a field. The Andalusian heavy cavalry have broken through ready to cause further mayhem. On the right flank the Christian Knights have contacted the Lancastrian heavy cavalry. In the plantation it is a different story. The Christian crossbowmen are fighting for their lives, already 2 cohesion points down.

The Lancastrian infantry line has been thinned out nicely, but on the left the Berber light cavalry engaged in the field were destroyed, but the Lancastrian cavalry lack supports. On the right the Christian Knights fight was indecisive, and the Lancastrians broke off. However, the crossbows are fighting back.

A final push on the left flank destroyed the remaining Lancastrian right flank. In the centre the Taifa infantry and fought and won a significant battle. However, the outstanding performance of the day goes down to the Christian crossbowmen. Despite losing their flank protection and being in mortal danger of being destroyed they overcame their swordsmen opponents and destroyed them!!


A victory for the Taifa Kingdom by 27 enemy losses to our 13.

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ADLG - Game Report 207

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