Bolt Action - Game Report 26

Sectors – Operation Eilbote Tunisia 1943


Second game was on to fight Josh and his Americans – an easier proposition to define a credible scenario for the mission report; albeit that it would have to be in the desert.


The allies have landed in North Africa. Scratch German forces from have been sent forward to support the newly arrived 10th Panzer Division’s attack to push back the allies. KG Von Wittak is operating in support of the division and has been tasked with seizing ground to open the road for the Panzer Regiment to exploit forward.

Enemy Forces

The American airborne forces were heavily armed with automatic weapons and bazookas, but with good mobility with Jeeps.

Friendly Forces

KG Von Wittak leading elements consisted on a PZIVG, an infantry platoon of 3 sections, a squad armed with assault rifles mounted in a SdKfz 251/1 halftrack, a sniper and an artillery observer.


KG Von Wittak is to secure the ground in order to allow follow on panzer forces to exploit and drive the Americans out of Tunisia.

Post Mission Report

KG Von Wittak left the PZIV, half track and its section and another section in reserve. The platoon commander took two sections forward to seize a start line on the right flank.

The reserves were late in arriving and by the time they arrived they were confronted with volleys of Bazooka and machine gun fire. The PZIV was lost early in the engagement.

Very aggressive action by the American paratroopers, with very effective fire support from the browning machine guns allowed them to advance to engage the only positions left in German hands.


A significant loss for the Germans that significantly delayed the arrival of the follow on forces.

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