Bolt Action - Game Report 27

Demolition - Germany March 1945


Onto the final game against Luke, and hopefully a little better result.


The overall strategic situation for German forces was dire situation, with the allies advancing rapidly. In the haste to withdraw our forces have exposed a critical industrial complex. High Command determined that this had to be destroyed, and the other key technology recovered which must not fall into allied hands.

Enemy Forces

The enemy advancing on the industrial site were identified as a British infantry unit with armour support. Reports from the units withdrawing indicated that the British were using a new tank that we had not yet encountered.

Friendly Forces

KG Von Wittak leading elements consisted on a PZIVG, an infantry platoon of 3 sections, a squad armed with assault rifles mounted in a SdKfz 251/1 halftrack, a sniper and an artillery observer.


KG Von Wittak is to destroy the industrial complex, and recover the technology which must not fall into enemy hands.

Post Mission Report

The lead platoon moved forward to seize the start line. The assault troops remained mounted as a strike force to go where needed as the opportunity presented itself. The PZIV protected the right flank.

The right forward section accompanied by the platoon commander, advanced to the church in to establish a base of fire. The artillery observer called down fire on the wood to the left of the church.

On the right the PZIV decided to expose itself and took a shot at the enemy tank. The shot went wild. In returning fire the enemy tank destroyed the PZIV with its first shot.

The German commander decided to attempt a left flanking manoeuvre. A major close range fire fight broke out seeing the British take a number of casualties. Meanwhile the rest of the advance broke down with the British Tank dominating the battlefield. We were able to seize and maintain control of the technology. But the industrial complex remained in Allied hands.


A draw with neither side achieving their objectives.

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