ADLG - Game Report 92

Andalusian Arabs(133) vs Feudal Spanish (190)

Final game for the day, on another exceptionally convivially day’s gaming, was against Paul’s Feudal Spanish. He had decided to use some of his existing troops redeployed in this guise.

A little more thought on how Paul would try and exploit the terrain is needed before making my plan. I should have appreciated that he would use his Almogavars to contest the village and hence given it a wide berth screened of by my heavy spearmen. Instead I tried to use my javelinmen for that purpose in order to try and go for an end run around the Spanish left flank with my cavalry.

And once again I was far to aggressive with my light cavalry in the centre allowing them to be cut up from behind by Spanish lights. On the right I have made better progress, and would have made even more if I had placed my army commander on that flank.

Once battle was joined the Spanish knights burst through my infantry line by overrunning the bows. On the left the Almogavars are working to turn my flank.

The timely commitment of the Andalusian heavy cavalry in the centre has stalled he ability of the Spanish to break his knights into the depth of my position. On my left my Javelinmen have failed to evade far enough and are going to suffer the consequences! On the right the outflanking movement is causing some dispersion of the Spanish line.

As predicted the Javelinmen on the left suffer the consequences of failing to evade far enough, and are destroyed. Meanwhile, the Spanish knights have broken through and about to join the party. However, on my right the attack against the hill has been more successful with the Andalusian right flank cavalry poised to roll up the Spanish flank – albeit that this was much too late to stave of the inevitable defeat.


A win for the Feudal Spanish.

Lessons Learnt

  • It is difficult to recover from a poor initial plan and deployment.
  • A poor decision to evade the javelinmen when they would have been better to sit there and try and hold their ground.
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