ADLG - Game Report 93

Taifa Kingdom (204) vs Catalan Company (262)

Paul had redesigned his Catalan Company for a forthcoming competition and wanted a stiff competitive trial for it, but he chose me as his opponent! I decided to field a Taifa Kingdom army, which while not period correct should provide a challenging opponent for the Catalans.

For this battle I decided to again deploy my lighter troops on the right flank, but this time the command had been reinforced by some heavy infantry. The cavalry was on the right with the main body of infantry in the centre.

My plan, such as it was, was to break Paul’s centre with my medium knights. Leaving the infantry centre to follow up behind and mop up what remained. The Catalan light cavalry were withdrawn behind the centre group of Almogavars.

I sent the light cavalry of to the flank when I saw the Catalan’s light cavalry’s intentions to cross the steep hill. Meanwhile my main line of knights is ready to engage. The right flank has good fire support available from bows and crossbows.

On the right the bows and crossbows are causing attrition on the Almogavars moving down the coast. However, in the centre the knights have been severely bloodied by the Almogavars.

The Taifa right flank is now engaged and the Javelinmen are holding their own. In the centre the two remaining knights have broken through and pursued, leaving them exposed to attack from the flanks. The infantry are much too far away too support them.

The casualties are piling up. The Taifa right flank is continuing to defy expectations and is holding its own. The bowmen were particularly effective, and destroyed the unit against them. On the left the Catalan light cavalry have almost crossed the steep hills and are starting to deploy against the Taifa flank. In the centre the infantry are moving forward to engage the Almogavars.

The right flank have defeated the enemy and are now pursuing the remaining light troops. On the left the one remaining Taifa light cavalry unit has been withdrawn as best as it could be, leaving a crossbowmen to await its fate. In the centre the farthest left heavy spearmen although assailed to the front by Almogavar and flank and rear by light troops soundly defeated the Almogavar. The cohesion points were very close, but the destruction of a Taifa light infantry unit threatening the flank of the Catalan knights tipped us over the edge to defeat.


The narrowest win for the Catalans by one cohesion point from being a mutually assured destruction!

Lessons Learnt

  • Close the distance and pin troops so that they cannot disengage.
  • Having a Plan B is essential when one’s main strike force is taken apart.
  • The line of heavy spearmen should have been in closer support to the knights.
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