ADLG - Game Report 114

Post-Roman Brits (146) vs Normans (179)

So, for one last time before Warfare Kevin and I managed to sneak in one more practice game with our chosen armies for the competition.

For this battle I manged to have a secure right flank against the Norman Knights. My shield wall extended across my front with my Cavalry deployed on the left flank.

My first decision was to with draw my own Cavalry into reserve behind the infantry. Meanwhile I have pushed some heavy infantry through the woods to secure the flanl with the light infantry on their right flank in Ambush.

While the Normans slowly advanced, I assume waiting for me to get over ambitious, I moved the shield wall forward to cover from the woods to my left flank. I decided that my Light Cavalary could be better employed on the right flank.

The Normans came forward to throw back my light infantry, but they manfully came back forward again after evading and regrouping. However, the Norman crossbows have started to inflict casualties on my infantry. On my right my Light Infantry have forced the Norman lights to withdraw.

The Norman infantry in the centre have been thrown forward into battle. Meanwhile my Light infantry on the left have withdrawn behind the cavalry. On the right my Light Cavalry have managed to find their way through the woods to bring some pressure to bear on the enemy left flank.

The Norman knights have engaged the left end of the shield wall and are inflicting some pain. Their infantry have delayed their advance, presumably they are waiting to see the outcome of the contests to their left and on the right. Where on the right the Light Cavalry are outmanoeuvring the more cumbersome impetuous Norman Knights.

Although there seems to be stalemate on the left and in the centre, on the right the Light Cavalry have done sufficient to draw off a number of Norman Knights.

The shield wall stands firm and has not been broken!


A creditable draw inflicting 6 cohesion hits to the 14 we received.

Lessons Learnt

  • Good choice of terrain helped!
  • A patient defensive approach was essential.
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