ADLG - Game Report 132

Seleucid (42) vs Graeco-Bactrian (46)

If it is February it must be Beachhead! I had entered the ADLG 15mm competition, my current range of 25mm armies didn’t allow me to field a valid army. Besides it gave me the chance to take my own Seleucid’s out for a jolly by the beach at the BIC. My Army was a later Seleucid Army from 165BC with Imitation Legionaries and Cataphracts, along with a couple of scythed chariots for good measure.

First up was a fight against Steve’s Graeco-Bactrians. A very nice historical match-up. I won the initiative and decided to attack. We let the Mediums and lights play in the rough on the left with the Pikes et al in the centre, and the cavalry out to play on the right.

And out of Steve’s Ambush came 4 of his own cataphracts. Would my scythed chariots mow them down? Equally the legionaries were looking a little vulnerable facing of against them.

The armies clash. My scythed chariots have had a 50:50 result, winning one and losing the other. In the centre I have side slipped the line, and accepted the overlap on the left to allow me to protect the legionaries a little. The mediums and lights are dancing with elephants in the field.

We have won the battle of the field on the left, and are now regrouping. In the centre we have destroyed to pike blocks. But on the right my Cataphracts are in whole heap of bother.

We have destroyed the remaining Bactrian pikes and we have now wheeled right to take on the cataphracts which are making short work of the legionaries. On the right the Cataphract fight against the enemy cavalry can be best described as hairball of a dog fight.

The hairball continued into the next round, while in the centre the last legionary has been overcome by the enemy cataphracts.


Honours even with a draw with me inflicting 14 to the 15 I received – I don’t normally do draws, so this was a pleasant change.

Lessons Learnt

  • A mixed result for the chariots, but at least they inflicted delay at no cost to me.
  • Heavy swordsmen once again cannot hope to stand against cataphracts.
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    ADLG - Game Report 196

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