ADLG - Game Report 133

Seleucid(42) vs Seleucid(42)

Second game was a Seleucid civil war against Steve’s army. Once again I won the initiative and decided to attack. First up was to try and get the mediums into the central field as quickly as possible, but as usual the enemy ambush delayed me. I decided to ignore as best as I could the marauding enemy cavalry out on my right flank. The aim was to get as close as I could on my left and centre as quickly as possible before they became a threat.

I sent the chariots forward supported by the slower pikes. At this stage the enemy had only committed one of their elephants. With enemy bows looking like a nice target for my Cataphracts.

The elephant has chased a light cavalry unit of the table, but at the expense of exposing its flank and rear. The vaunted cataphracts have come up short against the bows and even taken casualties on the way in.

A mixed result for the Chariots but at least the way forward for them is clear – the enemy camp beckons. In the centre the legionaries have broken through and are now ready to roll up the enemy line. However, they lack the support of their mediums which were taken apart by their opposite numbers. On the left the Cataphracts seem incapable of rolling over these bowmen!

And finally, we managed to overcome one of the bowmen, but I managed to secure the enemy camp before mine fell! And despite the odds against them the pikes stood firm against the elephant and killed it.


A win for my Seleucids by 13 to 22.

Lessons Learnt

  • Sacrificing a unit to evade of the table is better than losing it in melee.
  • The gamble of ignoring the enemy cavalry on the right paid off – just.
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