ADLG - Game Report 134

Seleucid(42) vs Mithridatic(105)

Final game on day 1 was against Andy’s Mithridatic Army, another nice period opponent for the Seleucids. The battle started late as both Generals decided to outdo each other their Life of Brian quotes! Once again, I won the initiative and decided to attack by forcing the mediums into the rough terrain and sending the heavy infantry through the centre supported by the cataphracts on their left.

I withdrew the light cavalry and managed to get the Scythed chariots up on the left of the pikes. However, my right was very fragile with the enemy pushing through heavy infantry through the field against my medium infantry.

The enemy have continued their advance through the rough ground on the right. While on the left I continue to refuse the left. I want the result in the centre!

The Thracians have outflanked the units in the plantation and cut them down, while the Peltasts make them self useful protecting the flank of the legionaries. In the centre one of my pike blocks has gone missing but the others press forward. The remaining scythed chariot has inflicted damage on the enemy legionaries as have my cataphracts.

I am now down to two remaining pike blocks, the decision in the centre is not my decision! Meanwhile the enemy regrouped in the plantation and came on strong enough to severely damage the Thracians. However, the chariots have won through and can now go anywhere, but not so the Cataphracts.


A hard-fought battle that right up to the end could have gone either way. In the end the Army of Mithridates came out winner 21 out of 23 to my 21 of 21!

Lessons Learnt

  • Perhaps some new dice?
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