ADLG - Game Report 137

German Batavian Revolt(91) vs Gauls(89)

The old, and now not so old, of the Entoyment ADLG circuit met their for a mid week game or two. We invited Easton along for a game and he proved to be a lively and engaging opponent with his Gauls, who I had the privilege of fighting first with my Batavian Revolt Army. I attacked through the centre with my elite warbands, while the former legionaries guarded the right flank.

The centre starts to move through the woods in the centre.

The enemy ambush has not yet been sprung, and we have decided to keep a wide berth from it and the obstacles in front to of it. On the left the Roman and German cavalry is lining up against the enemy warbands.

On the left side of the gully my light cavalry has come up second best against the gallic chariots. However, he cavalry are doing adequately against the warbands.

The fighting is fast and furious with units disappearing on both sides of the line. The cavalry seem to have broken through and it has yet to be seen whether they will be able to exploit this gap. In the centre the fight for the wood is going the way of the Batavians at the moment.

Out of the woods on the left come a horde of naked warriors, supported by their cavalry. In eh centre the Gauls have recovered sufficiently despite their casualties to overcome a number of the elite warbands. On my left the cavalry currently have the advantage.

Even more naked warriors emerge from the wood! Meanwhile the Roman and Geman cavalry are now being battered by the Gallic chariots.

The Gauls are winning on the left, and are about to win on the right, but we have won the battle of the centre.

Despite the best efforts of the Batavians on the right they cannot do much to stop the advance of the Gauls.


An extremely competitive and close battle with the Gauls coming out with a win by inflicting 27 of 27 hits on me while I inflicted 26 of 27 on the Gauls!

Lessons Learnt

  • I was right to refuse the fight against the Ambush.
  • However, for the Gauls holding back the ambush proved very beneficial for them.
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