ADLG - Game Report 138

Seleucid(42) vs Aramean(74)

I had time for one quick game, and I now hat Tony is a quick player! So onto battle with a relatively historical opponent, the Aramean’s with a Parthian ally, for my Seleucids fresh after their good performance at Beachhead. Once more the terrain easily directed the deployment of my army with the mediums on the left, infantry heavy centre and Cataphracts on the right even though they were outnumbered.

There was nothing subtle about this deployment or battle plan! Having said that I was ready to commit the legionaries to the field against the enemy bowmen.

The advancing line started to take significant, but acceptable and predictable, bow fire on our way forward on the left.

Contact! And once more the Cataphracts have come up second best against similar opponents. We have had more success in the centre and already the pikes are moving to work around the cavalry line.

And there the Cataphracts were and now gone! In the field a very stubborn bowman held off the legionaries for two rounds of combat despite being flanked and wounded.

We have broken the Aramean centre and right, but their Parthian allies on their left are now moving forward to inflict the coup de grace.


A win for the Arameans by inflicting 21 hits and only suffering 19 of 24.

Lessons Learnt

  • Once again a stubborn stand by a unit delayed by ability to react and follow up the enemy.
  • The loss of the line of Cataphracts was the game winner.
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