Imperial Austrian Army of 1809

Imperial Austrian Army of 1809


I have a number of Austrian armies from 1756 through to 1815. There are two reasons for this:

  1. The first is very simple; White coats were easier to paint than multicolored coats when I first started my Seven Years War Armies.
  2. The second is because I am very interested in the Danube campaign of 1809. A campaign in which the Austrians started to perform well, and gave Napoleon the first taste of victory at the Battle of Aspern-Essling. Hence my large collection of 6mm Napoleonic Austrians!

Latterly I decided to invest in some 28mm Austrians for Sharp Practice, and I have now gone one step further and extended the inventory sufficient to make a 200 point 28mm Bataille Empire Army.

The Army has 3 Divisions and a Corps Reserve 12lb Battery.

The infantry are individually based on 1p sized bases so that they can be mounted on movement trays for Sharp Practice. For Bataille Empire the frontage of the Warbases 4 by 2 base is the equivalent of 2UD for 28mm Bataille Empire. Hence for a large Austrian Regiment one of these bases is fine, with two 2 by 1 movement trays that allow the unit to be in Line of Column - here they are in column.

One of the best things about Bataille Empire is the flexibility it offers in basing troops. Moreover although the rules suggest having 3 figures on a 5cm 1UD frontage, I think they perfectly fine with only two figures, and besides it is less to paint and bring to battle.

The Commanding Generals were printed at home using STL files from Piano Wargames. The figures have been painted in contrast paints.

The artillery are based on Warbases 2 by 3 bases with the guns stuck to two 1p bases for easy of transitioning for different gun size configurations. I have made some blank 1p bases to fill in when I reduce the figure count for the battery. The rather large Austrian gunner at the rear is from the North Star Silver Bayonet Napoleonic Vampire Figures

The Line Infantry!

The Grenzers.

The Cavalry - Light Dragoons.

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