The Imperial Russian Army of 1812

The Imperial Russian Army of 1812

I decided some time ago that I needed to branch out from my current Bataille 15mm armies into the later Napoleonic period. I decided that an Imperial Russian Army would fir the bill. Not least because the uniform changes over the entire Napoleonic period were perhaps less noticeable on the models at 15mm scale. Or perhaps I should say I didn't need to worry too much about the migration from bicorn to shako as with the French Army, or from Shako, to helmet and back to a different shako with the Austrians!

The second point I would make is that this entire army was 3d printed by myself, from a range of different developers of the stl files. This made the entire experience relatively cost efficient way of creating an army. Albeit there is a tendency to print and paint far too many figures!!!! A better solution might be to design an Army and then print it- but where is the fun in that. We do all want the options available.

The figures are printed  and painted on their Bataille Empire bases. The figures are painted in Speedpaints or Contrast paints over the slapchop method. 

The entire army in review order.

The Hussars, two regiments. A wonderfully detailed model.

The Army Commander

The Cuirassiers, 2 regiments.

The Artillery; given the size of the batteries I probably need to print some more.

The Reserves. There are 6 regiments of Opolchenie; one of which is armed with melee weapons

A line Grenadier Division of 3 regiments

The Don Cossacks, with 4 regiments

One of the two Line Divisions of 4 Musketeer Regiments and 2 of Jagers

The Dragoon Division of 3 regiments

The Command and General Staff; which given the size of the Army needs at least one more divisional commander printed (done) and painted (to do).

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