ADLG - Game Report 162

Low Countries (243) vs Feudal Spanish – Aragonese (190)

Time waits for no man, so we all gathered again at Entoyment for another day’s ADLG gaming. We used the theme for this year’s Warfare ADLG competition as the basis for the day, which would allow the select few of us going to try out our armies. For my part if took along my Low Countries and my Ottomans.

The first game was for my Flemish against Robin’s Aragonese Feudal Spanish. The ground was a little less than my liking for my Heavy Spearmen- heavy army. I have been experimenting with using two of my Knights as included generals as a counterattack force for the infantry. I deployed with two infantry commands in the centre and right with the CinC’s command of cavalry and infantry on the left – trying to manoeuvre themselves out of the rough terrain.

We managed to seize the hill, but would we stay on it?

The remainder of the infantry line deployed to the left of the hill. While the enemy closed we hoped to get in one or two rounds of bow fire.

The flower of the Flemish nobility have launched themselves at the Spanish knights, while we wait elsewhere for the enemy to move forward and contact us.

One of the delicate flowers has wilted and perished, requiring the remainder to demand the support of a spearman. Elsewhere the enemy fire and contact has been particularly galling for us. The two included commanders are moving their knights forward to counter attack.

The Flemish right is looking very sick indeed, despite inflicting some hits in return. Meanwhile the hill remains in Flemish hands. The Spanish seem disinclined to attack up hill against the spears, why?

The Flemish right has failed, and the gaps are now manifest for all to see. The end is nigh.


A win for the Spanish by inflicting 22 and only receiving 11 in return.

Lessons Learnt

  • Once again trying to rescue a mal-deployment proved a step too far.
  • Once more the Almogavars made a difference – the medieval super-troopers.
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