ADLG - Game Report 171

Germans – Batavian Revolt (91) vs Sarmatians (77)

Round 2 I was playing Robin’s Sarmatians. A cavalry rich environment and encounter. Once again the terrain was adequate, and helped to protect my flanks. However, as before I had to double up the warbands to keep the left flank secure.

We advanced to contact keeping the line relatively intact.

I was able to separate the Warbands on the right flank in order to create depth to my attack. However, the Sarmatian horse archers were starting to inflict some irritating hits on the Heavy Warbands.

The German and Roman Cavalry have been brought into action to protect the flank of the Legionaries. While on the right the Warbands are starting to move forward to drive the Sarmatian Cavalry and light infantry back.

The Cavalry battle in the centre resulted in a loss to both sides, but the Sarmatian Cavalry pursued towards the bolt shooter but pursued in turn by a Roamn Heavy Cavalry unit. On the right the Sarmatians have broken off from the Warbands.

Despite the parlous position that the Sarmatian Cavalry unit finds itself behind the Roman Legionaries it is persistently hanging in the fight. Elsewhere the Warbands continue to push forward, and the Sarmatian continue their evasive retreat.

To try and force a result the Romans advance, but the Sarmatians fire off a few arrows and then withdraw in response. On the right flank the Sarmatians have deployed their Levy to protect their flank.

The Sarmatians have decided to leave their Levy out on the flank to wither and die to hold up our advance. The German warbands try to destroy them as quickly as possible to allow them to advance coherently across the battlefield.

The Sarmatian Levy are proving to be very stubborn and refusing to perish against the majesty of the Batavian Warbands. Elsewhere we try again to force the issue but the Sarmatians are as slippery as eels and refuse to fight.


After what seemed like at least twelve turns of very convivial combat between Robin and myself we decided, as the Black Knight would say, “we’ll call it a draw?” with 15 losses to the Sarmatians and 17 to the Germans.

Lessons Learnt

  • Horse Archer armies are slippery opponents to fight!
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