ADLG - Game Report 174

Germans – Batavian Revolt (91) vs Three Kingdom Chinese (118)

The fifth and final round! On to fight Jesse’s Three Kingdom Chinese, and in my defence I was a little jaded by this time. Jesse asked me to Defend, and his terrain was limited to a river and a road. A landmark in of itself as I think it was the first time that I had fought next to a river! (it was rough terrain.) And I decided to use this as my secure(ish) left flank.

We managed at this stage to keep our flank secure. Albeit that the left flank was protected by Cavalry and a Medium Warband.

Although we had equal number of Cavalry on my left flank next to the river (out of shot to the left), the fact that the Chinese were Impact Heavy Cavalry made a significant benefit to the outcome for the Chinese. I was forced to divert some Legionaries to support them. The rest of the Chinese Cavalry conducted spoiling attacks to allow time for their (mediocre) infantry to move to contact.

On the left the Roman and German Cavalry have been destroyed. The fact that one Medium Warband has crossed the river, while another is on the far bank providing support, has rather prevented the rest of the Chinese Cavalry immediately moving to roll the line up. In the centre the Medium Warbands are now close enough to provide support to the Heavy Warbands.

The resulting attack in the centre has been partially successful for the Germans. Although the benefits of having furious charge and being able to destroy on contact may not have been realised. However, it is all too little, and much too late.


A loss to the Chinese in which we inflicted 14 hits out of 22.

Lessons Learnt

  • Once again I failed to move quickly enough in the centre where I was best able to win.
  • A game where a modicum of intelligence gathering by reading the Army list, or looking at previous rounds, might have been beneficial.
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