ADLG-R - Game Report 4

Early 30YW Swedish (23) vs Muscovites Russians(44)

For a change of pace Harry suggested an ADLG-R game. I was not going to refuse that offer. In order to period relevant I offered up the early Swedes as an opponent for his Muscovites. A very different army from those that I had fought previously.

I decided om a deployment with the Cavalry on the right while the infantry had their flanks protected by medium artillery.

We boldly advanced but the firepower of the horse archers supported by Dragoons and/or by his heavy Artillery started to cause me significant cohesion hits. The changes to the rally rules did allow me to claw back some hits – I like the new rally rules.

The right wing infantry managed to push the advance forward. However, on the left at this stage the Muscovite Cavalry was content to exchange pistol fire with my Caracoles.

The firefight continued as the infantry tried to move closer and engage the Streltski. While the casualties mounted on the Caracoles.

A Tercio has been destroyed by fire from the Muscovite Artillery and its supporting fire, for the loss of a Muscovite Streltski. The cavalry firefight has gathered momentum and at least one of the Caracole has been severely damaged.

Eventually the Muscovites thought that had one the Cavalry firefight and boldly came forward to engage the Swedish Cavalry to great effect. In the centre the Swedish Tercios have engaged but have failed to breakthrough sufficiently to cause lasting damage to the Muscovites.


A win for the Muscovites.

Lessons Learnt

  • ADLG-R gives a great game and experience.
  • Artillery works best when it is supported by other units fire.
  • Horse Archer armies can be as equally effective in this period as firearmed armies – a rebase or requip the Ottomans?
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