ADLG - Game Report 177

Medieval Spanish (239) vs Kingdom of Sicily (188)

On to Warfare 2024, where I decided in the end to go with the Medieval Spanish. As a precursor operation I printed of some Medieval Spearmen to create some Almogavars! Printing armies on demand, or at least printing to supplement my existing armies. After some consideration I decided to deploy an included commander with the Mercenary Heavy Knights.

First battle was against Mike’s Kingdom of Sicily, where I found myself defending in the mountains. I placed the Almogavars on the left on a hill (out picture on the left on the other side of some impassable terrain), Infantry in the centre with the Knights out on the right.

The Sicilian’s decided that they needed to make a move to their left as they didn’t fancy trying to deal with the Almogavars on the hill; nor would I if I had been in their shoes!

I moved forward echeloned to the right to close the room for manoeuvre for the Sicilians.

With the enemy concentrating on the left I decided it was time to bring forward the Almogavars, to protect my left flank. In retrospect it left this probably a turn or two later than I should have. I have at least withdrawn the Jinettes (Light Cavalry) through the Knights taking them out of the line of battle.

Enemy crossbows have started to generate fire for effect on the Knights (a theme for the weekend).

As more crossbow bolts pummel the unfortunate knight on the left end of the line, the enemy lights are attacking my exposed right flank which has only the Jinettes to protect the right flank of the knights.

The mercenary Knights have not fared well. The Knight wounded by the crossbow bolts died very easily but so did those on the right of the line. Elsewhere the infantry are moving forward to engage the Sicilians.

The enemy have exploited their breakthroughs and are now rolling up the remainder of the Knights. Elsewhere the infantry combats are not going as well as one would have liked either!


A win for the Kingdom of Sicily by 13 losses to 23.

Lessons Learnt

  • Terrain doesn’t protect your flank unless you occupy it!
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