ADLG - Game Report 178

Medieval Spanish (239) vs Medieval Scots (232)

On to the second Warfare game to try and redeem the situation, and to move up the ladder, against Andy’s Medieval Scots. Here I found myself defending in the Plains against a Pike equipped infantry army. At least I put the Knights on the correct flank against the Scottish nobility.

The Scots decided to defend the gully on the left, and advance in the centre with their Pikes. For my part we advanced in line to give combat. However, this time the right of the line of knights has started to succumb to the crossbow bolts.

As the Scots command and control starts to improve, they bring more Pikes into line. Meanwhile I studiously avoid any notion of engaging the Pikes with my Knights, and instead advance my infantry forward. Although the end Knight succumbs even further to crossbow bolts.

With the advance of the Scots Knights I have brought my own forward to confront them. Whilst withdrawing the damaged Knight from the line of battle. In the centre the Infantry are ready for battle against the Pikes.

From the colours along the line it is self-evident that the combats have not gone the way of the Spanish. That is apart from the Halberdiers on the left end of the line who have destroyed a foot knight unit.

Against the odds the Mercenary Knights have prevailed against the flower of the Scots nobility! The same cannot be said about the Infantry which have failed to inflict any significant damage on the Scots Pikes. The Almogavars have moved forward to contest the gully and suffered the consequence so their rash action.


A Scots win by 23 to 17. A result that was much better than I expected despite the loss.

Lessons Learnt

  • I should have committed the Almogavars much sooner!
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    ADLG - Game Report 196

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