ADLG - Game Report 179

Medieval Spanish (239) vs Medieval Scandinavians (251)

As I fall down the league table with two losses, my next opponent was an old friend and army I have fought before; Iain’s Scandinavians. I was rewarded for my efforts with the benefit of attacking in the forest. I deployed up with the Almogavars on the left ready to advance through the brush and woods while the infantry command protected the flank, with the Knights looking for something to do on the right.

The Scandie’s primary tactical problem, with their decision to defend between the gully and steep hill to the forest, was to extricate their cavalry on the right, so they formed a caracole in their move to the rear. Meanwhile we advanced in the centre to conduct an infantry battle against the massed ranks of polearmed Scandie infantry.

Both sides mounted troops are being held in reserve, as the infantry lines close up to engage each other.

Battle is joined, and the Scandie Polearms manage to chew up a lot of the spears of the Spanish infantry.

Both sides trade hits along the line with gaps appearing that both sides want to exploit.

In spite of the many wounds they have suffered the Spanish foot are holding their own and creating more gaps. Both sides Cavalry are standing ready to exploit any holes in the line.

The Spanish foot have finally broken through the Scandie line, with only two polearmed units trying to stem the flood of Spanish foot.


A Spanish victory by 22 to 11, and finally a win on the board.

Lessons Learnt

  • Most of the lessons in this battle were for Iain.
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